Free Shipping | Orders Over $100
First off, you are shopping local. And we love that. But we also have a deep desire to make sure you are happy with your purchase, so we are here to help. Anytime. Just email us at & we will make it right.
As a rule of thumb, online returns are accepted within 14 days after receipt of the shipment. Customers will be responsible for return shipping costs. Once the item is received, we will inspect items and get back with confirmation on the return.
Credit will be given back to the customer in the same manner which was paid.
We reserve the right to decline returns past the 14 days.
For in-store purchases, please contact us at 512.523.8668.
The Mercantile at Mill + Grain will ship your goodies using USPS whenever possible, at $7.95 flat rate.
Orders $100 & higher (pre-tax) are eligible for free shipping.
If USPS does not deliver to you, please reach out to us at the email below for additional options.
Tuesday - Friday 10a-6p
Saturday 11a - 5p
Sunday 12p - 4p
- Closed Monday -
304 S. Main St. #101
Buda, Texas 78610
©2023 by The Mercantile at Mill + Grain.
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